Once again, Gadsden and Culpeper deliver with a “We The People” decal which can be applied to any smooth object such as a vehicle, glass or a firearms locker/safe. Application was easy and it adhered to my truck without issue. I am a long term customer with good reason. Great product line!
I took an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, and the wokies and leftists fit that category of domestic enemies of this nation. This shirt states the essence of what I hold as a deep seated core belief! Delaware Gumby and this leftist crop of crap ANTIFA and the Burn Loot Murder crowd will learn that this land isn’t filled with people that that will just roll over and take their brand of BS! Thank you Thomas Jefferson for saying what true American patriots believe!
I love to look out and see the Stars and Stripes flying in the breeze on my corner lot. I want everyone to see I’m a True Patriot with this wonderful product you sold me. Thanks again!
Once again, Gadsden and Culpeper deliver with a “We The People” decal which can be applied to any smooth object such as a vehicle, glass or a firearms locker/safe. Application was easy and it adhered to my truck without issue. I am a long term customer with good reason. Great product line!
I took an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, and the wokies and leftists fit that category of domestic enemies of this nation. This shirt states the essence of what I hold as a deep seated core belief! Delaware Gumby and this leftist crop of crap ANTIFA and the Burn Loot Murder crowd will learn that this land isn’t filled with people that that will just roll over and take their brand of BS! Thank you Thomas Jefferson for saying what true American patriots believe!
I love to look out and see the Stars and Stripes flying in the breeze on my corner lot. I want everyone to see I’m a True Patriot with this wonderful product you sold me. Thanks again!